Private Barrel Selections

At Fondren Cellars we are always working to secure private barrel selections from some of the top spirits producers. We only select those barrels that we feel are of the highest quality and stay true to our value approach.


Our selection of private barrel selections is always changing.

Private barrel selections that are currently available:

Old Soul Private Selection Barrel #16L09-65, Non-Chill Filtered, Uncut, 120.81 proof

Blue Note Juke Joint Private Blended Small Batch #2BBL, Non-Chill Filtered, Uncut, 121.1 proof

Koval Single Barrel Rye Private Selected Barrel #2919, 94 proof

Bulleit Bourbon Private Single Barrel Selection #1-B3-0625, Non-Chill Filtered, 104 proof

***Private barrel selection inventory is limited to the number of bottles produced when the barrels are dumped and is extremely limited***